Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's been CRAZY!

I've been MIA, yes.  It's for a VERY good reason, I PROMISE!  I have LOTS to share soon!

First, Crafty's Creations is soon going to be announcing my new WEBSITE!  Yes, I have LOTS of shops all over the internet, but this is going to be a One Stop Shop for everything Crafty's!  My husband a.k.a. "Crafty Daddy" has been working hard on the website for the past month.  He designed it ALL from scratch!  He's so smart!  I'm VERY proud of Crafty Daddy!

Second, my Facebook Page is rapidly approaching 2,700 fans!  Two months from today is my 2 year anniversary creating from my heart!  I have had SO much fun putting all I have into each and everything I make for you.  It has been so amazing!  I have recently been given the opportunity to stay at home and make Crafty's Creations my full time job!  I can't think of a better way to spend my days & nights.  I can sit and make something whenever I want.  That is, in between running after my almost 2 year old, and breaking up fights between him and my 8 year old son!  

Third, I have started creating a line of products for fans of my very favorite band, Blue October.  Blue October's music has touched so many people's life.  These fans have bonded, and call each other Blue Family, which I am a part of.  Blue October has touched my life and I thank them every day.  Last summer, I had the opportunity to go to their sound check here at a Phoenix show.  We got to meet the band, which was UBER Epic for me.  See, for a few months prior, I had planned on making a gift for his daughter, Blue.  She is absolutely adorable and I wanted her to know that she's loved.  I crocheted her a special purse and asked a few of my close friends if they would like to help me with gifts to put in it.  I added all kinds of cute hair goodies.  I don't have a girl, so I LOVE to spoil others!  My friend Helen from Adorable Adornments made her flower for her hair with a bottle cap center had her daddy's picture.  I had Helen make me one to wear to the show, as well as a VERY cool necklace, which I still wear.  My friend Karen from Karen Snyder's O. Sebastian made her a beautiful, dainty ring.  I can't thank these ladies enough for making these beautiful gifts for Blue.  Here's a pic of the goodies inside:    I can't tell you enough how much this meant to me! 

Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October swinging the purse I had just given him for Blue <3

In celebration of these fabulous things, I am going to host a giveaway!  The terms of this giveaway are as follows:  
Once I reach 2,700 fans on Facebook, I will be putting a general giveaway on the stumbler app on Facebook!  This giveaway will be open to anyone that is a fan on Facebook.  I am taking suggestions on what I should give away!  Just comment here on this blog post!  At the bottom of this post you will find a rafflecopter app explaining how to gain extra entries!

The second part of the celebration is a referral contest!  Since we ALL want my facebook page to hit 2,700 fans we need to get 27 more fans!  The person who has the most people to post on my facebook wall saying WHO referred them will be entered to win a SURPRISE prize! 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support in my journey with Crafty's Creations!

Crafty Cori 

P.S.  If you've read all the way down to here, comment and ask me for a 25% discount on your next purchase!

Friday, January 13, 2012

MEGA Swag Bag Raffle

The indiExhibit has done it again!  This time is a MEGA Swag bag!  The artisan members of The indiExhibit have gathered our creative little minds and came up with a MEGA Swag Bag with wonderful products ranging from stunning jewelry to stylish electronics. This incredible swag bag is valued at over $1300! Yes, $1300 and growing! 

Remember, tickets are only $1 until January 23rd.... The total prize is worth over $1300!

New Year, New Blog, New Start

Since my OLD blog got hacked, I decided to start over.  Fresh & New.  Just like the year~!!  I have so many things coming up in 2012, I figured I needed a place to keep everything.  Welcome~!

At the end of last year, I joined a group called The IndiExhibit. The indiExhibit is an organization that represents independent artists and creatives at the best celebrity gift lounges in Hollywood. Our group consists of a variety of artisans from around the world who have come together to promote their work collectively.  So far, I've sent gift certificates for product in the swag bags for the Miss California & Miss Teen USA Pageants and soon to be in swag bags for the Miss Nevada Pageant.  I'm very excited for the upcoming year with The indieExhibit!

I have also been asked to teach some online courses in crochet and jewelry making by a dear friend of mine, Kelly from Knittingandthings .  (Psst, if you are a multi media artist or artist of any kind, Kelly is EXTREMELY inspirational!  You should subscribe to her Youtube Channel!

Also in the next few months, I will be having my very own, shiny new, website!  See?  GrEaT Things this year!

Stay Crafty!